busy day out!
{ Monday, April 30, 2012 @
12:08 AM }
hi guys and girls! well today's been pretty tiring since i was out the whole day? guess wasnt very lucky at all since i was almost late for my theory evaluation this morning.. hadta cab my way from batok to bbdc!D; and that wasnt the worst part.. I ALMOST LOST MY WALLET!D; gosh damn sians and scary can! was totally at gombak mrt going to find the 6d and usual guys when i realise that my wallet is not with me..DDDD; fast-marched my way back to bbdc just to find it lying on the com table.. LOL! so dunno shld be lucky to find it or unlucky to have lost it.. XD but nevertheless i failed my evaluation..=,= well u cant expect me to study for 2 hrs ytd night or the morning shld i say? just to pass the evaluation.. now i had to sign up for one more next sun afternoon and worse still.. gotta go for prac rnd as well so as to familiarise with the qns.. lols. oh well bo bian guess thats the only way to do it. so yep after that went on to shopping with the 6d guys? lols yes shopping..O.o didnt expect them to do that but ended up doing that anyway so yep. but i bought smth!;OOOO thats like once over a rainbow moon!;OOOOOO yep bought myself a chino which was on sales..lols as expected. but guess the deal at uniqlo was so gd that i cant resist?XD yep finally gt the chino that i wanted at sales price.. guess that makes the new pants for this year. oh well then went off with sierra sect3 for lunch @ watami, ion orchard, since gillian's leaving for panzer strike and yep thats why there's lunch. lols random yes but ended up eating lunch with old friends.. talking cock and sharing recent ns stories.. lols those who went through ns nv fails to talk abt ns le! guess we'll have so much stories gathered for these 2 years it will take the rest of our life to share it..XD ate till abt 3+ and left for tuition @ bb. but ended up it gt cancelled.. just cos the boy dont wan extra lesson..-.- whos the one who wanted it in the first place!:O RARRR waste my time so went back douby and lan with the guys till 6pm.. and 'ate dinner' well not exactly dinner but just kop icecream while the guys ate dinner at just acia..XD so long since i last hang out with them. tmr gonna stayover at zm's house for chernyi's bday!XD guess it'll be fun! but just ended up receiving my student wanting lesson tmr night..-.- haish tuition commitment can really kill.. like that i can only reach zm's house like.. 11.30pm?D; LOL and 1st may i gt duty.. 2nd may cohesion.. what a wonderfull crash of events.. well hope i can crash through all of them smoothly ba. kaez so thats all for today. wht a interesting day isnt it! kaez the upcoming week seems more interesting.. public hols duty, cohesion.. planning for range.. wht could be better!XD kaez so bbyes and goodnights!
peaceful saturday!
{ Sunday, April 29, 2012 @
1:36 AM }
hello people! well today's a really peaceful and rare sat since there's only 1 tuition lesson..XD yep so chill.. somemore my mum's no longer home so house's much more quieter now..;x ohwell hope she buys gifts back for me!;x kaez so today's usual.. woke up quite late since i forgt to set my alarm?;x oh man lucky wasnt late for the lesson. then after tuition went on to jp for groceries shopping..XD damn funny can looking for fruits, vege and meat to buy and the aunties picking fruits with me was like.. XD yep awkward!XD but then still manage to gt the necessary fruits la.. and reach home and slpt?D; gosh wht a pig i was slping for like 3hrs plus till like 8pm?D; then settle dinner and watched goblet of fire at same time.. cool 1st time stir-frying my own dinner and stuff and yep that kinda concluded my chillax sat.. tmr's gonna be quite busy.. morning bt evaluation.. and i havnt study yet!D; gosh might just fail it le..D; kaez then then after tht meeting the usual guys going orchard shopping?o.O if im not wrong but yep lan's been delayed tmr and late afternoon abt 4+ gt another extra tuition lesson.. lols yep guess thats the busy sunday.. and moreovr gotta prep for cohesion on wed.. lols kaez so guess thats all for now ba. good luck to myself for the evaluation tmr! hope everything works out fine..XD ciaos!
a week ahead!
{ Friday, April 27, 2012 @
10:03 PM }
harlo! oh my tiannnn gosh my mum's leaving for her china vacation!;O gosh i totally forgot to blog abt it! though i rmb it and returned home early today la!;x well so a week without her! hmmm.. smth to dunno be happy or worry abt.. the price of freedom is all my laundry and cleanups of the house!D; gosh sians guess it's gonna be a interesting week ahead! well with all the conducting and coordination stuff it's really hectic in camp and all the tuition on and off in days really make my life kinda tiring.. but really fruitful i gotta say.. nt wasting time away.. but guess thats nt what i really wan anyway..;x LOL! okae okae so today did the usual stuf and afternoon went out with bryan.. well only manage to leave abt 3pm? lols too busy la us..XD kaez then went to barrage to fly kite.. HMMM! 2 big guys flying kite on a friday afternoon.. DAMN GAY CAN!XD but nvm abt that since i was sincerely recce=ing for my cohesion.. dont wan anything to go wrong afterall! didnt really EFO since i only managed to leave at abt 430pm? lols lucky today no tuition then reach home earlier to accompany my mum lols. kaez gotta send her off to changi airport le. adieus ppl!
busy day siol
{ Tuesday, April 24, 2012 @
10:26 PM }
hey people! may is around the corner! well today's seems to be a accomplished day.. since much was settled during the kite making session and store list has been done up so nth much to worry abt for cohesion anymore!XD kaez so yep sounds kinda exciting now! well then then work's nv been so tiring before.. didnt stop working 1s today le! wonder it would be another extreme again after range..D; LOL hope not sia i really cant cope with the super extreme lifestyle!D; lols but do hope there's a break la..;x kaez so guess so much for work.. then then tuition was another horrible story.. the sistars fall sick!D; but they still attended my lesson!;O omg the worst part is i think that i was the one who made them fall sick since i was sick the last lesson!D; so guilty now..DDD; LOL. well yeah haiyo.. so ended lesson 5min earlier so they could rest up for tmr still gt school le.. while i still gt work too..-.- and i just manage to reach home nia..x.x kaez so guess i shld turn in soon as well since im gotta the feeelinngggg~ that im gonna fall sick again if i dont rest well tonight..;x kaez so sayonaras and goodnights!
a weekend at home
{ Sunday, April 22, 2012 @
10:48 PM }
hi all! oh well another weekend just ended so quickly and yep. too quickly. well nth much accommplished this weekend, managed to teach and teach and blah.. life's getting boriinggg already with all the teaching.. no time for other things!D; and well fri was duty so was kinda tiring and caused me to fall aslp during my lesson? LOL yep teacher dozing off while student was trying to solve the qns..XD oh well feeling kinda bad now but really i was kinda tired..;x kaez so ended around evening ytd and after that went on watching tv at home. LOL no life totally. while today was abit more interesting since i did the usual stuff.. to go market with my mum, to try and bake a swiss roll?XD like finally the first time i tried to make a log cake i phailed terribly..XD today's one didnt really fail.. well i didnt gt to make a swiss roll to begin with so lols? well my mum took out too much ingredient which is double the amt for swiss roll! lols cant blame her since she wanna eat more..;x so ended up making a double layer cake with whipped cream in the middle.. lols kinda cool didnt make such a cake before and it's pretty exciting sia! well managed to pull off the trick but overdone the cake.. not chaoda ok! it's just abit dry, maybe not enough butter or too long in oven.. LOL i hope the next one can be much better ba! kaez so yep that kinda marks the end of my weekend watching ice age the meltdown while baaking.. LOL yeah no life but nvm it's fun to chill at home once in a while.. well too much for a while for me..XD so thats that a new week beginning.. jus hope upcoming works in may will go smoothly.. kinda like lots of stuff coming up.. busy busyyy! kaez so tadas!
super duper busy weekkk
{ Saturday, April 21, 2012 @
11:15 PM }
yos people. well it's been a busy week so cant blame me for not blogging so frequently..;x but yeah monday to wed tuition and friday duty so yeah super bussy none of the days' nights im really actually at home.. and still busy org cohesion so yeah quite some stuff to handle here.. sians so bobian ba. haish kaez so ytd was duty.. well didnt really slp alot since i was waking up at night time to ensure things and talking to the irritating dog prawlers who tried to fool me.. gosh so irritating seh.. lols but ended up the guys started watching running man..XD and at 530 that time there's a sudden knock on the door, which caused quite some fuss but ended up being a next day duty personnel..XD damn joke..XD kaez so yep quite an interesting duty. then today was pretty awesome since i was giving like 2 tuitions at a go and falling aslp for the 1st one?;x well the tuition was pretty boring just looking at him doing work so cant really help it..;x and the latter one was scary since it's J2 maths so quite jialat la.. LOL omg ok so yep guess thats all for now. tmr hopefully can blog again ba so bbyes!
since forever i last blog!
{ Wednesday, April 18, 2012 @
10:45 PM }
gosh yes totally. im so busy these few days im just too tired and sick to blog.. literally. monday and today tuition w the sistars while tues was with a j2 kid.. LOL gosh im going tuition craze! well at least keep my body in proper condition la im falling sick too!-,- having a flu now.. sians hope i gt well soon ba. or else range and cohesion planning will have to wait!D; lols yep work is more like work nowadays.. LOL like finally?XD kaez so yep just hope things go well and smoothly ba. just heard abt the news of yet another death of this ns kid today.. gosh rip man.. just so saddening man.. thats why we officers are working our ass off on all the safety precautions and regulations.. to ensure that no such case EVER happen again. but yet shits happen.. life's unfair.. who to blame? ns for the realistic and physically draining trg? or us for still not doing enough though we are doing the best we could? or the soldier himself who is weak?! whattttt! lols that girl really deserve a 2 years in ns sia..XD kaez so guess thats all for now. kaez ciaos ppl!
near, far, wherever u are!
{ Sunday, April 15, 2012 @
12:36 AM }
hello guys long time no blog!XD guess my life's kinda sucky now nth much for me to blog abt.. everyday's all abt work work and work?o.O gosh so god damn boring can.. anyway so yep. finally sat and i've got 2 tuition lessons to rush to..-.- just when i tot i could rest lols. kaez one at batok one at cck cc there.. lols.. whtever.. but it's quite interesting though with all the tuition lessons going on.. my life seems to be much more filled right now.. unlike.. before? there was a moment when i really feel there's nth to do! LOL! oh well nvm i guess. kaez so just now went on a impromptu trip to west mall with my mum.. she's watching titanic 3D with my roommates and i was totally left out till like 3hrs before the show?-.- gosh didnt wanna go at 1st but free dinner and movie ticket.. who would say no? and since so long i've been to a cinema so why not?XD lols.. watching titanic in cinema was really different from watching from tv! it's much more engaging and well.. better effects i guess. totally engaged for the 3hrs there and not even looking at my watch even once! LOL. maybe im just so into the movie with jack and rose..XD the movie's just so amazing.. with all the adventures, thrills, romance, tragedies going on gosh wht a amazing mix of genres and yet so facinating.. wow totally awesome. but yes after the 3hrs it's kinda tiring.. especially in 3D when there aint much extra effect besides ppl falling out of the screen?;x kaez so yep so envious of the romance in the movie! awwww.. maybe it's just the fairytale effect.. hey but i like fairytale! ah life's too short..XD kaez so nth much to add, tmr still trying to catch a lunch with the usual guys and tuition in afternoon and evening.. hope i wont be too busy kaez. tadas dudeee!
busy day!
{ Wednesday, April 11, 2012 @
11:26 PM }
hello peopl! so long since i last blogged! well it's always a good thing to get away from smth sometimes.. guess when u happen to do smth too often.. u tend to forget it's true value and meaning to u and yes u'll take it for granted.. LOL! alright enough craps since i think this world is gonna end in 2012 so lets get on with life.. today's really kinda busy.. with all the work and reviews and compilation and summary and yes s3 is totally abusing me..D; gosh nvm then work aside this evening went on to tuition with 2 cute little girls.. poor fellows their dad left the family for some bitch and yes thanks to all these unbelievable adulteries that families today are broken and kids dont have a complete family! zz lols. cynical to life seh!XD kaez whtever.. i dont really wanna care anyway. oh btw be4 going tuition was kinda early on the way and by luck met jl so had a drink/snack with him at batok for like.. 10mins?XD yep ok back to tuition so 2hrs were pretty draining.. esp when it's after a long work day with hardcore chionging of work and end of the day still gotta handle 2 kids in their school works.. wow being a teacher is really not easy le.. i used to consider teaching as a profession le! but now i gotta think twice..;x oh wells nvm abt that so yep guess tutoring them really takes alot of patience and understanding since children.. are still children. -.- ohwells.. brain's nt functioning reeally well now cant even play tetris battle properly. lols evveryday got home this is the horrible state im in playing tetris.. no wonder i cant win..;x alright shall stop flaming and complaining.. perhaps the problem lies with me being me. LOL alright whtever really dunno wht m i talking abt.. or do i?XD kaez so thats all for this lovely day XOXO adieus!
the long weekend break with 2 duties..-.-
{ Monday, April 09, 2012 @
12:14 AM }
hi evveryonee..-,- yes this 'weekend' supposed to be a long one.. ended up having 2 duties and yes it became so short.. lols kaez so yep duties are pretty fun since the STs were just talking cock whole day longg.. while i can read my book and do almost whtever i like there.. lols. kaezz so nth much happened on duty day and i didnt managee to go out with the guys today as well since i was only back from duty this morning.. gosh lols. kaez so guess thats all for today?XD nah dl-ed diablo 2 lord of destruction to try out since diablo 3 and my new com are both coming out soon..XD kaez so gotta say it's pretty addictive since it's since forever i last played RPG games i guess?XD gosh yep so long since i last killed monster saving the world fighting evil and lols. wht more could i wan?XD ah really boring day. hope next week will be better ba. omggg tmr's monday and there's live run and yet im awake.. hope wont overslp tmr morning.. ciaos ppL!
duty goodfriday and duty!
{ Saturday, April 07, 2012 @
1:09 AM }
lol hi people happy good friday! yep ytd was my duty day so didnt manage to blog. guess duty's always kinda fun talking cock with friendly ppl..XD anyway tmr's duty as well since i swap with james and yep guess it's gonna be pretty fun too! kaez so nth much to blog abt since i haad a duty night just doing the usual things and talking cock with the fellow guards.. looking at how yongsheng trying to raise the standard of the entire guardforce.. lol somehow sometimes i feel so weird.. is it right to keep things as it is or to raise the standards? especially when the men are a bunch of NSFs.. it's nt right to just treat fellow NSFs harshly while it's nt right to be so slack as we wont be doing our job either.. so hard to find a balance someimes.. somemore u would gt flamed by fellow NSFs for doing this and things will possibly gt out of hand.. so yep life sucks!XD hmmm.. perhaps it takes a more moderate and progressive approach to accomplish this huh! perhaps.. perhaps.. perhaps..XD kaez so guess thats all.. duty tmr waking up at 530am and yet im awake.. pretty awesome lets see how tired tmr will be!XD kaez so thats that for now. oh ya today i went to tutor my new student steward.. LITTLE~ NOT! lol yeah his name's steward or stewert or stewart? GOSH LOL i didnt manage to rmb how to spell it.. XD but anyway he's pretty poor at maths so yeah guess this assignment's kinda hard. kaez so guess thats all for now gotta grab some beauty slp be4 morning.. goodnight people!
conference conference.. MORE CONFERENCE!
{ Wednesday, April 04, 2012 @
10:50 PM }
yes im back and nope i wasnt just back. i was back at 6.. LOL yep so surprisingly this mth's CO conf. ended pretty early.. well it started early as well.. not why am i still so surprised?-.- lols kaez so nth much today gone camp did some printing and browsing guess i just dont wanna start on my work yet since im too lazyyy..XD but yeah still gonna do it and hopefully tmr's the day i'll chiong finish all my work!;D this week's a short week.. OMG TMR DUTY!D; gosh okae okae sounds like fun since long time since i last duty at pyad already.. kinda miss the STs there and all the talk cock session!XD kaez so yep gonna bring my book thr to finish it since duty = free time for reading.. hmmm.. friday gt new tuition lesson.. shld i bring home clothes to go thr? since py is freaking far from home._. ah whtever.. see 1st ba. anyway so tmr's a chill thurs.. today's co conf since ended early didnt manage to take co's car..;x LOL so yeah mrt all the way from tampines back to pioneer.. haish wht a long ride! then then the worst part still! today my mum made me stood infront of her.. and she was like so dead serious and i was wondering wht was going on.. and she told me to promise nt to gt a 2A class license..=.= I MEAN SERIOUSLY!=.= LOL! just cos i rode a bike on mon and she read my blog and now this..XDDD gosh ok now she's prolly gonna see this too..XDDDD kinda irritating but whtever.. after all blogs are free to view. oh whtever.. then evening tuition gt cancelled since my kaihong is still kinda sick.. haiyo whr can like that one sick whole week.. lols guess it's sat then. this week 1 less lesson the parents are prolly gonna take away some of my money..D; lols whtever kaez so thats all for now ciaos ppl! xoxo signing off~
Amazing monday!XD
{ Tuesday, April 03, 2012 @
12:39 AM }
hey yo! gosh today's totally great man LOL. besides the part when i was late for work..-.- but like HALF THE OFFICE was LATER THAN ME..-,- thanks to the horrible rain this morning caused my 66 to jam at bukit timah for like.. 1hr?-.- yes wait till my leg ache sia.. somemore the bus so cramp aiyo.. totally cmi! so lesson learnt! whenever raining and im running late.. shall go clementi to take bus instead of batok since timah always jam!XD kaez so that aside the rest of the day was pretty chill and fun actually! totally slacked throughout the day doing my own stuff like sudoku-ing, and doing bits and pieces of work here and there..XD kaez so yeah life's pretty good today! LOLS not to mention the early fallout at 5pm today! lols went on totally to bobby's house to have our bbq session! though nt everyone was there but it was pretty fun! shopping be4 the bbq with jeremy n bryan.. cooking and bbq-ing talking loads of crap..XD life's really gd! the best part - RIDING JAMES' NEW BIKE!XD yep he was nice enough to giv me a ride home so it's my 1st time riding on a bike on the passenger's seat!XD gosh so exciting sia! when the bike flies u really flies along!XD and the wind was really big when the bike is on the highway..XD gosh totally so awesome! now i see why all the tv dramas make the girls sitting behind the guy riding bike acting like being 'protected' like that.. gosh it's quite a scary feeling at 1st! but it ended up turning into excitment.XD lols but i didnt put my arms arnd james la..XD just held onto the hind grips of his super4.. gosh wht a thrilling experience! now im being tempted to learn class 2A..XD jkjk.. guess my parents will never let me. nvm ba hopefully more rides to come in the future?;x kaez say no more gotta rest or else tmr cant wake up oso.. lols kaez nights ppl! |
Who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell! I know you love me.. XOXO~;D
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